What stood out the most is the emphasis on the need for inner healing and dealing with past words of death. I didn’t realize how my past affects my marriage. A lot of things happened in my life before meeting my wife, and I didn’t realize how those things affect the way I relate and communicate with her.
— Colby & Sandra

Discover God's Original Design for Marriage

Cleansing Stream is pleased to announce the release of our marriage program and live event, titled Marriage Live.  This is truly a relationship study course in every sense of the word. Marriage Live addresses challenges faced in marriage today.  With our foundational approach to Biblical principles, Cleansing Stream has heard the Heart of the Father and created a seminar experience that married couples can complete together in the comfort and privacy of their own homes, in a small group or cell group setting, or through the local church to uncover the devices of the enemy that bring strife and undermine communication with each other and with the Lord.

We seldom have time to spend together, with kids, work and school. When we have time together, it’s just hanging out. This made us realize that we need to turn all media off and take the time to speak with each other effectively, communicate effectively, and ask each other ‘how was your day.’ Marriage Live was a good reminder.
— Mark & Grace

Our marriages are all in different places and, although many are thriving, some are struggling and others have reached a point of being dangerously close to ending.  Whatever the case is in your marriage, we believe the Lord has a particular blessing to impart to you and through the Marriage Live study and retreat.

Step 1: Marriage Live Study

The Marriage Live program begins with two workbooks (one for him and one for her) that have information about how our marriages are positioned with the Lord and what pitfalls the enemy has planned to sabotage our efforts to remain together in Him. There are also two video sessions, one each from John and Lisa Bevere, that address specific topics facing marriages today. The program is designed to span a four week timeline and will assist you in taking a look at what’s working, identify the issues that are weakening the bond, and offer information on how to regain lost ground.

Marriage Live Workbook Set
It is a very unique curriculum that talks about roots and strongholds and things that other marriage curriculums don’t take into account. It’s very valuable to look into our past, into our family background and how things have affected us, and establishing that as a base to improve the communication in our marriage.
— Michael & Sabrina

Step 2: Marriage Live Event

Because we feel the Lord has directed us to provide you with personalized attention, Cleansing Stream encourages you to complete the workbook portion of the study and then register for the Marriage Live Event closest to you. The event will be hosted by Cleansing Stream staff. John & Lisa Bevere, who will not be in attendance, will give a recorded address. You will spend a day basking in His love and mercy, participating in worship designed to bless your marriage, receiving personalized prayer, and covering four topics specific to married couples:


What first attracted you to your spouse?


Celebrating the true qualities of one another. Identifying and sharing your spouses' value.


The need for faithfulness.


Recognizing God's purpose for Marriage.

In addition, at the end of the afternoon, we have arranged for you to renew your wedding vows and move into the next season of your marriage with strength and joy.

Once a Marriage Live event has been scheduled, registration will be handled online here.

The Live Event cost is $99/couple.


Be sure to contact us to organize a MarriageLive event in your area!